For full details of how to use and codes see the ‘How To Use’ section
Variety appears with the selling name and in brackets any international registered name and alternative selling names. In brackets the date of introduction followed by, in brackets classification colour group number and then the fragrance code. Growers 3 letter codes and number then follow to get their full details look at the Grower section.
Fab @30(2021) (f) 3 k No recommended grower 2024-2025.
Fab @40 (2021) (f) 9 k No recommended grower 2024-2025
Fab @50 (2021) (f) 6 k No recommended grower 2024-2025.
Fab @60 (2021) (f) 14 k No recommended grower 2024-2025
Fab @70 (2021) (f) 8 k No recommended grower 2024-2025.
Fab @80 (2021) (f) 6 k No recommended grower 2024-2025
Fabulous (Jacrex) (2001) (f) 1 G Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4.
Fab-u-lous! (Forfab a.k.a. Special Sister) (2016) (h) 16+13 v Buy this from Sty1
Fabvier (1832) (CH) 13+1 F No grower 2024-2025.
Fair Eva (2013) (c) 9 v Buy this from Sty1 Weeping Standard Buy this from Sty1
Fairhope (Talfairhope) (1989) (m) 2 v No grower 2024-2025.
Fairy see: The Fairy.
Fairy Lights see: Avon
Fairy Queen (Sperien) (1998) (pl/gc/s) 14 F Coc3 Cra1 Cur2 Gdy3 Gfn4.
Fairy Rose see: The Fairy
Fairysnow (Holfairy) (1991) (s) 1 v Cra1 Crc2 Poc2.
Fairytale Magic see: Bliss
Faith (Horfaiwil) (1998) (h) 4 k Rog2.
Faithful (Haressay) (1998) (f) 14 v. No recommended grower 2024-2025
Faithful Friend (Beafai) (2007) (s) 3 k Bls1.
Falkland (1930) (s) 9+1 k No grower 2024-2025.
Falstaff (Ausverse) (2000) (e/c) 15 p Aus2 Cpn4 Jon2 Wht1
Family Life (Hargladly) (2007) (f) 4 k.No grower 2024-2025.
Fancy Pants (Kinfancy) (1986) (m) 13/2 k Cra1 Crc2 Poc2.
Fantin-Latour (1900) (Ce) 9 k Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Coc3 Cot1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Wht1
Farreri Persetosa (a.k.a. Rosa Elegatula (Persetosa), Three Penny Bit Rose) (1914) (s) 10 v Aus2 Bls1
Farruca see: Carimbo
Fascination (Poulmax a.k.a.Canyonlands; Fredensborg; Shrimp Pink Castle) (1995 UK 1999) (f) (10)k ROTY 1999 Ash1 Coc3 Cpn4 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Wis4. Standard Cpn4 Hdy1.
Father’s Day (1959) (f/p) 8 F Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4.
Father’s Favourite (Gandoug) (f) (2009) 5/13 G No grower 2024-2025.
Favourite Friend (Forform) (2021) (h) 13/16 k Buy this from Sty1
Fedtschenkoana (a.k.a. Rosa Fedtschenkoana) (1880) (Sp) 1 v Bls1
Fée des Neiges see: Iceberg
Feeoni (Smi67-2-04) (2024) h 9 v Buy this from Sty1
Felicia (HM) (1929) 9 k Apu2 Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cpn4 Cra1 Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1
Felicitas (Korberis) (2006) (s) 13 G Rog2.
Félicité et Perpétue (a.k.a. Félicité Perpétue) (1827) (c) 2 v Apu2 Ash1 Aus2 Ayl1 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1
Félicité Hardy see Madame Hardy
Félicité Parmentier (P1828) (a) 9 k Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Rog2 Wht1
Félicité Perpétue see: Félicité et Perpétue.
Fellemberg (1835) (CH) 13 F Wht1.
Fellowship (Harwelcome a.k.a. Livin’ Easy) (1992) (f) 8 v Cra1 Crc2 Hdy1 Poc2
Ferdinand de Lesseps (a.k.a. Maurice Bernardin (1861) HP) 16 v No grower 2024-2025.
Ferdinand Pichard 1921) (HP) 10/15 k Apu2 Ash1 Aus2 Ayl1 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cra1 Crc2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wha4 Wht1
Ferdy (Keitoli) (1984) (s/gc) 10 F No grower 2024-2025.
Festival (Kordialo) (1994) (f/p) 13/1 v ROTY 1994 Bay2 Bnt3 Coc3 Cpn4 Gdy3 . Miniature Standard Cpn4.
Festival Jewel (Beacost) (2006) (s/c) 12 k Bls1 Wha4.
Fetzer Syrah Rosé see: Madrigal
Ffion (2007 UK 2009) (mf) 4 F No grower 2024-2025.
Fiery Hit (Poulfiery a.k.a.Loving Wishes) (1998) (p) 13 v Cur2.
Fiery Sunsation see: Chilterns
Fighting Temeraire (Austrava) (2012) (e) 3 k Aus2
Filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ (a.k.a. Kiftsgate and Rosa Filipes Kiftsgate) (1954) (c) 1 F Apu2 Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Hdy1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1
Fimbriata (a.k.a. Phoebe’s Frilled Pink) (1891) (r) 9 v Aus2 Rog2 Wht1.
Fiona (Meibeluxen) (1979) (gc) 13 F Bls1 Cpn4.
Firecracker (1956) (f) 8 v Rog2
Firefighter see: Roxanne Pallett
Fire Princess (1969) (m) 8 F Cpn4 Psn2.
First Choice (2007) (m/f) 1/13 v Rog2
First Great Western (Oracharpam a.k.a Muriel Roben) (2006) (h) 16 p Cot1 Jon2 Buy this from Sty1
Firth of Forth (a.k.a.Rosa pimpinellifolia ‘Firth of Forth’ ) (2023) (Sp) 9+1 k Wht1.
Fisher Holmes (1865) (HP) 14 F No grower 2024-2025.
F J. Grootendorst (a.k.a. Red Grootendorst) (1915) (r) 14 F Bls1 Psn2 Rog2 Wht1.
Flame see: Pat Austin
Flaming Star (2019) (h) 5 G Bls1.
Flaming Peace see: Kronenbourg
Flanders Field (Horflan) (2012) (f) 13 v Rog2.
Flanders Rose (2019) (s) 14 G Bls1.
Flirt 2000 (Korkopap) (2000) (f) 13 v Ash1
Flirt 2011 (Korchakon) (UK 2014) (f/p) 10/1 G Ayl1 Fry2 Wha4.
Flora (1829) (c) 11 v Bls1 Wht1.
Flora Colonia (Kormahens) (2019) (f/s) 10+6 p Cra1 Crc2 Poc2.
Flora Danica see: Garden News
Floral Carpet see: Pink Flower Carpet
Floral Fair Tale see: Afternoon Delight
Florentina (Kortrameilo) (2001 UK 2017) (c) 15 v Bls1 Jon2.
Florida see: Simply The Best
Florida Sunset (Tan12639) (2019) (h) 13 k Fry2.
Flower Bomb (2023) (f) 9 v Cra1 Crc2 Poc2.
Flower Carpet see: Pink Flower Carpet and note 9 on How to Use section
Flower Carpet Climber (Noa907500 a.k.a. Climbing Pink Flower Carpet) (2018) (c) 10 v Apu2 Ayl1 Wha4.
Flower Power (Frycassia) (1998) (p) 10/12 F Apu2 Ash1 Aus2 Ayl1 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wha4 Wis4. Half Standard Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4 Buy this from Sty1 Quarter Standard Rum2 Patio Standard Fry2* Str2 Wha4 Wis4.
Flower Power Gold (Fryneon) (2009) (p) 4 k Apu2 Ash1 Ayl1 Bls1 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Crc2 Cur2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2 Rum2 Str2 Buy this from Sty1Wha4 Wis4. Half Standard Coc3 Gdy3 Gfn4 Buy this from Sty1 Quarter Standard Rum2 Buy this from Sty1 Patio Standard Bls1 Fry2* Str2 Wha4 Wis4.
Focus see: Showtime
Folklore (2018) (h) 8 p Rog2.
Fondest Love (Fondest) (2020) (h) 15 v No grower 2024-2025.
Fond Farewell (Dicchiffon) (20240 (f) 10/3 k Gfn4
Fond Memories (Kirfelix) (1999) (p/m) 7 F Bay2 Bls1 Crc2 Jon2 Poc2 Rum2 Buy this from Sty1 Quarter Standard Rum2 Patio Standard Bls1 Fry2* .
Foolish Pleasure (Decsure) (2003 UK 2009) (mf)11 F Rog2.
Forever Royal (Franmite) (2001) (f) 16 k Rog2.
Forever Yours (Tan08242) (h) 13 k Wha4
Forget Me Not (Coccharm) (2009) (h) 3 k Buy this from Sty1
For Love (Webforlove) (2014) (f) 8 G Rog2.
Forrestiana (a.k.a. Rosa Forrestiana) (1922) (Sp) 12 k Aus2 Wht1.
Fortune’s Double Yellow (a.k.a. Rosa Ododate Pseudindica) (1845) (s) 7 k No grower 2023-2024.
Fortuniana see: Rosa x Fortuniana
For You see Pour Toi
For You With Love (Fryjangle) (2005) (f) 8 v Ash1 Bls1 Coc3 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Wha4 Wis4. Standard Wha4 Wis4.
For Your Eyes Only (Cheveyesap a.k.a. Ringo All-Star) (2014) (f/s) 11+12 F ROTY 2014 Apu2 Ash1 Ayl1 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Cra1 Crc2 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Jon2 Lay2 Poc2 Rum2 Sea1* Str2 Buy this from Sty1 Wha4 Wht1 Wis4. Standard Coc3, Crc2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Poc2.Wis4.
Foster’s Ruby Glow (Webdesire) (2008) (h) 11 G No grower 2024-2025.
Fountain (1970) (s/f) 14 k Aus2
Four Legged Friend (Gueslink) (2024) (f) 12 v Buy this from Sty1
Four Seasons Rose see: Autumn Damask
Fourth of July see: Crazy For You
Foxtrot (Poulcy024) (2017) (c) 6 v Bay2.
Fox-Trot see: Rachel
Foxy Lady (Simmem) (2014) (h) 9 v No grower 2024-2025.
Fragonard (Delparviro) (2015) (h) 10 p Bls1 Cra1 Crc2 Poc2 Buy this from Sty1
Fragrant Celebration (Beamerry) (2018) (c) 11 p Bls1
Fragrant Charm 84 see: Royal William
Fragrant Cloud (Tanellis a.k.a Nuage Parfume) (1967) (h) 13 p Ash1 Aus2 Bay2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Cur2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Lay2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1 Wis4. Standard Wis4.
Fragrant Delight (1978) (f) 12 p Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Cra1Gdy3 Gfn4 Rum2 Str2 Wis4. Standard Cpn4.
Fragrant Dream (Dicodour) (1991) (h) 6 k No grower 2024-2025.
Fragrant Gold (Tandugoft) (1982) (h) 4 p Bay2.
Fragrant Plum (Aroplumi) (1990) (h) 16 k Rog2.
Fragrant Surprise see: Samaritan
Francefurtana see: Empress Josephine
Francesca (1922) (HM) 6 v Aus2 Bls1 Rog2 Wht1.
Francine Austin (Ausram) (1988) (gc) 1 v Aus2.
Francis Copple (Beaharmony) (2010) (s) 3 k Bls1.
Francis Dubreuil (1894) (s) 15 k Bls1.
Francis E Lester (1946) (c) 1+9 k Aus2 Bls1 Cot1 Cra1 Crc2 Poc2 Wht1
François Jossette Budd (Dicaccordean) (2021) (f) 9 G Dic1
François Juranville (1906) (c) 12 k Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Crc2 Poc2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1.
Frau Astrid Späth (1930) (pl/f) 10 F Rog2.
Frau Dagmar Hartopp (a.k.a. Fru Dagmar Hastrup) (1914) (r)9 v Ash1 Bls1 Cra1 Crc2 Jon2 Poc2 Rum2 Str2 Wht1
Frau Karl Druschki (a.k.a. Reine des Neiges; Snowqueen; White American Beauty) (h/s) (1901)1 F Wht1.
Freddie Mercury (Batmercury) (1995) (h) 5 k Rog2
Fredensborg see: Fascination
Fred Loads (1968) (s) 8 k Rog2.
Freedom (Dicjem) (1984) (h) 4 v Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Bnt3 Coc3 Cot1 Cpn4 Cur2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Hdy1 Lay2 Psn2 Rog2 Rum2 Str2 Wis4. Standard Rum2 .
Free Spirit (Fryjeru) (2007) (f) 10 k GSR Coc3 Cra1 Fry2 Gdy3 Gfn4.
Frensham (1946) (f) 15 F Sea1*.
Frida Kanio see: University of Chester
Friend For Life (Cocnanne) (1993) (f) 10 k Bnt3 Coc3 Cra1 Cur2 Gdy3 Gfn4 Psn2.
Friends (JA46) (2019) (h) 4 k Fry2 Rum2.
Friends Forever (Korapriber a.k.a. Rosenfee) (2007) (f) 12 k Cra1 Crc2 Cur2 Poc2 Wis4.
Friends of the Tenth (Mat106-191-03) (h) 15 k Jon2.
Frilly Cuff (Beajingle) (2014) (s) 13 v Ash1 Bls1 Cur2 Wha4.
Frilly Knickers (Raw2286) (f) 16 G No grower 2024-2025.
Friendship of Strangers (2012) (c) 2/9 k Bls1.
Fritz Nobis (1940) (s) 10 v Ash1 Rum2 Wht1.
Frothy (Macfrothy) (1992) (m/p) 1 v Jon2 Psn2 Quarter Standard Rum2
Frozen (2018) (m) 1 p Rog2.
Fru Dagmar Hastrup see: Frau Dagmar Hartopp.
Frühlingsduft (1944) (s) 3 p Rog2 Wht1.
Frühlingsgold (1937) (s) 2 p Ash1 Aus2 Bls1 Cpn4 Rog2 Rum2 Wht1
Frühlingsmorgen (1942) (s) 10/2 k Bls1 Cpn4 Rog2 Wht1.
Fruity Parfuma (Korgehaque) (2010 U.K. 2018) (f) 12 p Crc2 Poc2 Sea1* Str2 Wis4.
Fun Sensation see: Cambridgeshire